Managing performance requires skill and flexibility whether working with direct reports or a project team. React has years of experience in this area. We help participants develop different skills and strategies through practical work and provide easy frameworks for difficult conversations.
- React provide practical, usable, effective training that allows managers to make tangible improvements to the performance of their teams.
- Training is provided in feedback delivery, questioning, objective setting, coaching, lateral thinking, reframing, influencing etc.
- Participants explore the effects of different strategies through our actors in Forum Theatre.
- Specific frameworks are introduced for difficult performance management conversations.
- Participants are given the opportunity to practise these skills in small, facilitated groups, by having bespoke performance management conversations with our highly skilled business actors.
- Participants are offered quality, targeted, constructive feedback by trainer, actor and peers
- Choose from our established and proven courses or work with us to develop bespoke training for your organisation.