The core skills of influencing and persuasion are part of many of our courses in interpersonal and management training. Our specific skills course is aimed at those wishing to explore and expand their range of influencing styles and strategies to approach different people and situations. We use practical exercises to embed techniques in everyday work situations and help participants gain confidence at all levels.
- Using our team of trainers and business actors we deliver a stimulating, practical and challenging course.
- Through Forum Theatre participants explore effective influencing, trying out different approaches using our business actors.
- Participants identify their own preferred influencing style and learn how to tailor their approach to different people and situations.
- They identify key individuals and decision-makers that they need to influence.
- Influencing techniques and tools are introduced including elements of personal impact, body language and voice.
- Participants are given the opportunity to practice skills in a controlled environment using relevant case studies, scenarios and our business actors.
- Participants receive quality, targeted, constructive feedback on their skills practice from trainer and actor.
- They develop specific skills for meetings and overcoming resistance.
- Choose from our established and proven courses or work with us to develop bespoke training for your organisation.