Assertiveness Training

If you find yourself giving in to others a lot or keeping quiet about your needs or opinions, it could be that you need to be more assertive. Assertiveness is having the confidence to stand up for your needs or opinions and the ability to state them clearly. True assertiveness is not aggressive and allows for other points of view to be aired. It means your needs and opinions can be heard and count. We focus on the practical side of being assertive, so that through practice you gain the necessary self confidence and belief.

  • We use practical exercises to embed techniques in everyday situations and help participants gain confidence at all levels.
  • Through Forum Theatre participants explore assertiveness and what it means, trying out different techniques using our business actors
  • Our courses are light, straightforward and confidence building
  • Participants learn to distinguish between assertiveness and aggression
  • Participants identify their own ways of communicating and learn how to tailor their approach to different people and situations
  • Techniques and tools are introduced including elements of personal impact, body language and voice
  • Participants are introduced to ways of disagreeing or saying 'no' whilst still appreciating others' points of view
  • Participants are given the opportunity to practice skills in a controlled environment using relevant scenarios and our business actors
  • Participants receive quality, targeted, constructive feedback on their skills practice from trainer and actor
  • Choose from our established and proven courses or work with us to develop bespoke training for your organisation